Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Dream

I long to see her again, to touch her
and ask a thousand questions.
But I am afraid that our meeting
was to be a singular experience. 

     Dreams are only one of the countless ways that we receive messages from God.   Dreams either make absolutely no sense and we shrug them off, or they leave us pondering a deeper meaning.  Have you ever known with absolute certainly that you are in the middle of a dream and not reality?  I have experienced this many times and find it to be quite magical.  This is because all of my senses are engaged -- in "real time."  I have touched the bark of trees and I have touched a beautiful woman's face. 
     The woman in this particular dream was a white-haired radiant beauty.  I was as drawn to her as I was drawn into her.  I put my hand to her face and told her she was beautiful and that I hoped to be as beautiful as she was when I reached her age.  How old?  I'm not sure; ageless perhaps.  She laid out a very large piece of plain white paper before me.  Her eyes told me to write on it.  I looked at the paper and at my hand.  I don't remember how the pencil became clasped in my fingers.  I told her that I didn't know what to write.  And then quite suddenly my hand was passing that pencil over the paper and words were magically being laid down across the page.   I knew the words were not mine, and I knew from Whom they came.  I woke up.  During the next few days I found it difficult to focus on anything but that dream.  I had more questions to ask her.  I wanted to see her again, but my heart knew that it was not to be. 
     So what was I to make of this dream?  The beautiful woman had laid it all out for me.  Her message didn't surprise me, because writing  is what He has called me to do.  And just like the sudden and unexpected dream, the writing began a few days later.  As in the dream, I laid out sheets of  11 x 17 paper  and used an ordinary No. 2 pencil.  And incredibly, my pencil seemingly flowed across the page, scratching along, inscribing words that seemed to be coming from the stratosphere.  I became a scribe that day, having put my ego aside, surrendering all of my pride, and letting Him guide my lowly pencil.  "I get it," I cried, "it's not about me at all!"   
     This is going to be a lot easier than I thought.  Amen.


  1. Awesome Carol, that's all I can say, awesome!!

  2. Hmm White Haired Beautiful lady....
    Was her name Eileen.... Sending you her love
