Monday, September 16, 2019

Detours or Deliberate Avoidance?

I struggled with my writing for seven years. Four years into that struggle, I wrote these words in my journal:

“Lord, God, Creator of everything; please forgive my lack of prayer and communion with you for the past few weeks. I want to reconnect with you and let you guide my mind and spirit so that I am completely in your will each day. I want to complete the mission you gave me (writing your book). At the same time, I want to run from it. Father, why is that? Lord of Heaven’s armies, I need to be rescued from this inertia. Please help me get back on track; to stop wasting precious time.”

That was in 2016. In 2018, I discovered the cause of my writing drought; I was the cause. It took another year for me to break the chains that were holding me back. And now I am writing again.

Do you need your freedom back? In my upcoming book, God Does, I will reveal all of the amazing things He has done in my life. And He wants to do amazing things for you. Why? Because His greatest desire is for you to achieve all that He planned for you. It’s that simple. 

Are you standing in His way as I did?

Image by John Hain (Pixabay)


  1. CJ: I find myself not really wanting to write very much any more. I pared down writing my blog from three days a week to two. I also contribute to an online site and find myself recycling my old or even my current blog posts instead of creating new content. I have started doing more things for the LORD in the community where I live. Just today, I had a friend suggest we get started on a project that we talked about last year. I need prayer support for my writing and for the Bible Studies I am leading.

    1. Quietspirit, I am praying for you...for your writing, your Bible Study, and for your sensing that the Holy Spirit is leading you into new things. May He fully equip you to discern His leading! He will refresh you and make known all that He has in store for you. Blessings to you as you listen! Love, cj
