Monday, September 2, 2019

Do Not Worry

Imagine yourself in a deep, dark forest. It's late at night -- there is heavy cloud cover and not a star, planet or moonlight to light the way. All you have is a household flashlight. If you're going to find your way, you must follow the small area of the flashlight’s illumination.

It’s best that you don't know what lies outside of the lighted path. It’s best that you don’t speculate about what might be lurking outside of the lighted path. That’s how the mind takes us on a downward spiral of worrying about what we cannot see. If we want to reach our destination, we must stay on the lighted path.

We want to be like God and see into the future. We want to know what’s in store for us. We project our misguided fears of tomorrow onto today. And when we try to predict the future, we get into the deep forest of fear and anxiety.

God is the Overseer of our tomorrows. He gives us “our daily bread.” He gladly takes on what's outside of today’s illumination. So let’s remind ourselves each day to stay in the moment, without the fear and worry of a tomorrow that we may not see. Then we will be able to accomplish the great things He has planned for us -- one day at a time.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge Him;
 and He shall direct your paths.
Proverbs 3:5-6 (NKJV)


  1. You say it very well. Trust in the Lord. . . is one of my favorite passages in the Proverbs.

  2. We didn't have to imagine the forest. :) When we were first thrown out of shelter in October 2011 on PEI, Canada we had to live 40 days under a tarp in the woods...with no flashlight. :) Though the coyotes howled, the storms blew and the rain came down He kept our family of 4, two dogs and a parrot safe under our little tarp 'home'. After a while we just blocked out any noise with our chattering teeth. :)

    In our darkest moments during that first 40 days of homelessness (which lasted 40 months) we got to know our God and His lead. Yes we wanted God to show us what was next, when the homelessness, poverty and hunger would end but He wanted to teach us how to trust Him. Yes we want that flashlight badly but it is better that we do not have it. The more we trust our God in simple faith the easier walking with Him becomes.

    Our adventure through the wilderness of faith brought us to the same realization that we definitely need to stay in the moment. By keeping our eyes on Jesus He does direct our paths.

    Thank you for the great post. Reminded us of our past and to stay in humble obedience to His lead.

    Homer Les

    1. What a powerful, powerful reflection on your experience. You have blessed me immeasurably. Thank you so much for sharing.
